Friday, August 21, 2015

Twenty One Pilots ~ Forest

This song is incredible. In fact, the entire Vessel album is incredible. Actually, Twenty One Pilots are just insanely talented (I’m a bit of a fan…. Can you tell??).

But this song really stands out to me, especially the line: ‘I don’t want to be heard; I want to be listened to’

I just understand that so much. Like, I have all these thoughts and feelings about the world but I can’t say them. Either I chose to stay quiet through fear of embarrassment, or I’m brushed off because ‘I’m too young to understand’

I’d loved to be listened to. To actually have some sort of voice in this massive world. I guess that’s why I started this blog. So I finally have a voice.

This might seem really stupid, but I just want people to listen to me, to take me opinions and views seriously without it being seen as ‘a wrong opinion’

I mean what even is a wrong opinion?! How is an opinion wrong?? It’s literally impossible to have a wrong opinion. That’s why it’s an OPINION.

I just don’t understand why people feel the need to shoot people down just because they see something differently to them. Why do people want every to be a clone of themselves. It’s like they want everyone to be exactly the same and not have an opinion or view of their own – which is stupid! It would be so boring if everyone thought in the exact same way.

We are privileged enough to have freedom of speech, so I’m going to use that to its full potential. I don’t care if you think I’m wrong – I’m GOING to be listened to.

Right now I’m just a girl in my bedroom with a million thoughts. But this blog is giving me a chance to be listened too and I’m going to take it.

If you don’t already listen to Twenty One Pilots I strongly suggest you try listening to them because as you can see their lyrics provoke a very strong reaction but their music is honestly incredible. I love it J.

Anyway, I’ll see you soon xxx
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